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P0st3d by Unleashed, 29.06.2017 - 18:29

Saudi capital - Fixed
Sunni Color - Fixed
UAE & gulf states color - Fixed
Paris cap - I never put it there ever, but I will leave it like this, for 2 reasons, i'm lazy and, USA will need 1 more turn to reach it, giving it a bit more time. UK will be busy with ISIS terrorists, pretty sure he won't try to cap so fast, and he doesn't have many units anyway, UK gets no bonus events at all
- Description added here also, the one you sent to me
- 20 more terrorists in the UK, but Sunni, otherwise it gives ISIS terrorists too much capping power. They never forgot that UK did BREXIT, so they want revenge, they will also keep UK busy so Paris can try to survive the Iron line of crusade which will most likely crush them anyway

have fun

10.08.2017 - 09:37
in way, if UK is noob, USA will have to save them just like WW2


Iran is Shia muslim, it won't fight alongside the Sunnis, but it won't allow anyone to pass through their territory either. Hence, it will be neutral in this war, with 50 in its cities (they have a massive army). pic edited also

Lowered West EU economy, muslims just won't produce the quality that the west does. Just look at the middle east, Africa etc.

Hungary Barricaded itself, and Poland has a tank defense line. ISIS took control of some tanks in West EU also. Edited SS

Based on reality, observable evidence, and somewhat accurate predictions of the future, as people refuse to wake up, and have already given up.

To the high IQ critical thinking, observant, unplugged and Red Pilled eye, it is clear where the world is headed.

At this point, it is no longer a question of "IF" western civilization will survive, it is a question of "When" it will collapse. This scenario simulates just that.

As we all know, it was only the eastern europe that refused to planned invasion, while the cucked West embraced it, thus embracing it's suicide within a few generations. Who would have thoght the poor Eastern Soviet Block and Russia will be the last refuge of freedom.

I have used accuracy(as always) to make the map. The same sunni muslim nations as irl, you will find in the scenario:

Black is ISIS (funded by Israel, USA, Saudi and Qatar, is why it's so impossible to defeat - ISIS is black)

The countries that will preserve themselves

Czech republic is one of them http://www.dailywire.com/news/17391/czech-republic-joins-poland-hungary-and-slovakia-joseph-curl


Poland and Hungary were also vocal about it

because these countries fought islam for a thousand years

Remember Vienna? Jan Sobieski (Polish) saved Europe from islam in the 1600s


Instead of honoring these acts of heroism and seeing what is coming (dark ages once again), they are forgotten, and people succumb to the brainwashing of the media, vote macron, and they will get what's coming to them. Trump only delayed the inevitable.

The agenda is now obvious, altho not 100% clear. Welfare is unsustainable while inviting millions of low iq illietrate muslims (their goal is kill all nonbelievers), combined with low birth rates of the native populations:The west will collapse. Only you can save it, in this scenario. It's all up to you.

Wr1tt3n by Nero, 29.06.2017 at 18:43

Welcome back, Unleashed

Thx bro

Wr1tt3n by Zephyrusu, 29.06.2017 at 20:05

...Iran supports ISIS? Please tell me that's a troll meant to satirize ignorant people

ah. I confused that, Iran helps Syria. WIll fix. Did this at like 3 AM so was kinda sleepy

Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 29.06.2017 at 20:10

Those bans really dont stick around here eh

I wasn't banned. I was away. You are still on this site? Your life is truly sadder than I thought, dookey digger xD

Wr1tt3n by Al Fappino, 29.06.2017 at 20:20

This sounds like a map Tito would make lol

tito is an old fool stuck in the past, obsessed with russia

The sad fact is, russia and EE are the only ones preserving themselves at this point.It's a sad world when russia becomes the good guy

Wr1tt3n by Tundy, 29.06.2017 at 20:20

test. are you getting notification?
24.07.2017 - 10:19
Wr1tt3n by Skanderbeg, 23.07.2017 at 12:23

Wr1tt3n by Pheonixking929, 22.07.2017 at 11:58

If you guy give me a day/time (preferably weekday, I work on the weekends till 10pm US eastern standard) I'll be glad to check this out.

With that said, does anyone play at war on a laptop? My desktop is a few years old and very slow (I just keep it shut off now) so I only really use a laptop (macbook air). If I just go out and buy a mouse for it, does anyone find it more difficult to play than on a desktop?

Playing on Asus laptop since 2010 [atwar since 2011], never let me down. Mouse is a problem because it break down often, probably because of 1 million clicks a day when you buy units. But i buy cheap one $2.5 to $5, last few months, then i replace it with new because guarantee lasts for 2 years.

I also play World of Tanks (and sometimes War Tunder) on same laptop, not 'high' settings though, it lags then, but medium, and sometimes low. It doesn't lag, unless someone else in the house download movies or games. I also have a 'special' high cost mouse for WoT (since it's godlike game), but never dare to use it on atwar.

I think ability to run such demanding games like WoT proves the strength of laptop, and it's not even expensive one, costed $300

I hear ya. I had to get a laptop for school to help take notes, work quickly outside of class and outside of the library, etc. and with my desktop too slow to use (it's glory days are over, I let it sleep in Valhalla ) I had to get a laptop. I haven't played at war on it (no mouse at the moment but will get one this week or next week) but I have played a couple steam games, Total war Attila, Rome Total War 2, Napoleon Total War, and CK 2 (over the course of a year and a half). Laptop worked fine (actually better than my pc). I just had to keep an eye on the battery and make sure the laptop was on a flat surface (like a table) so it didn't overheat (it used a LOT of battery power and the computer was hot to the touch on the bottom where it cools off).
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
24.07.2017 - 21:36
Looks good, I look forward to playing it
25.07.2017 - 16:33
I'll leave this here for the possible future scenario expansion, but new map would be prefered so we don't change this one [DOWR] to the point of not recognizing it.

China can be separate team, or allied with Russia, fighting Japan, which is US ally. That will force USA to send half of its troops on China and not go full force to EU caliphate (which is already atwar with Vysegrad and Russia).

India can be dragged into war by muslim invasion, where Pakistan with the aid of islamic world tried to reestablish muslim rule in Delhi. So India can be allied to China, or Russia, or both or be separate team. I think most logical for India is to be allied with those two.

Maybe add nukes to Paki and Indi. No income boost, so India be forced to use imperialist. Japan's income can be boosted for +500 but no more. Idk about China, their economy is now matching US, so +1000 or +2000 can be added to China's regions (divided equally on 6 sino-regions). No extra units there except for maybe American infantry in Japan (and ROK, but that can fuck up his walls).

Idk if it is fair for ROK to be independent player, or region of Japan. Because giant China is close and can overrun ROK with DPRK help t3. But if ROK is independent, it will have extra reinf (50-75 probably). DPRK will need extra city, logical addition should be Hamhung.

Taiwan can be added as Japanese region, since Japan will fight China, so China will probably invade Taiwan since it is Japans/US ally. Or be independent player, get extra reinf and harass China south until US arrive, thus delaying and slowing down Chinese preparation for fighting Japan. I repeat; Japan should not be boosted just because enemy is giant China, that's why Japan allied US in the first place.

Long-shot, but maybe even add Brazil, BRIC ally, good counterweight to US in Americas. It gives a reason to muslims to invade them and spread islam (from Africa, dakar).

EU caliphate is poor, since they ruined economy, their only hope is Iraqi and Saudi oil, so those 2 countries need to have boosted income. Really op income. Unfortunately for muslims, Saudi is American ally. They need to kill it to reclaim oil and Mecca. I don't think islamic(european, north african, central asian) income should be distributed equally across their regions, since half of their realm is desert and other half is ruins.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
25.07.2017 - 22:14
Wr1tt3n by Unleashed., 02.07.2017 at 01:49

Wr1tt3n by Evic, 01.07.2017 at 18:46

Unleashed is such a child.

islam is cancer and muhamed was false prophet, a faggot who could only get laid with 9 year olds

just like you.

Muhammed laid 6 year olds not 9 year olds dumbass
25.07.2017 - 22:16
About not getting any muslims to join, there are a bunch of degenerate turks lurking around Atwar, they usually just dont show themselves as they have poor english.
25.07.2017 - 22:19
Also, Russia should get an event spawn in America every few turns (an election year) and try to un-cuck america.

Also, I play on a tablet and im still able to wall and micro, its just takes longer. Its ez once u get used to it. Laptop is fine.
27.07.2017 - 00:25
Wr1tt3n by Titus Labenis, 25.07.2017 at 22:14

Wr1tt3n by Unleashed., 02.07.2017 at 01:49

Wr1tt3n by Evic, 01.07.2017 at 18:46

Unleashed is such a child.

islam is cancer and muhamed was false prophet, a faggot who could only get laid with 9 year olds

just like you.

Muhammed laid 6 year olds not 9 year olds dumbass

Wow, so smart. That's irrelevant, the point is the same you fucking retard

Wr1tt3n by Titus Labenis, 25.07.2017 at 22:16

About not getting any muslims to join, there are a bunch of degenerate turks lurking around Atwar, they usually just dont show themselves as they have poor english.

You are by far more degenerate and stupid than any turk I ever met.

Wr1tt3n by Titus Labenis, 25.07.2017 at 22:19

Also, Russia should get an event spawn in America every few turns (an election year) and try to un-cuck america.

Also, I play on a tablet and im still able to wall and micro, its just takes longer. Its ez once u get used to it. Laptop is fine.

You won't play this at all, I'll make sure of it.
The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

28.07.2017 - 12:05
Interesting suggestions Andartes, but do you think it will start if it has that many players? Genuine question. I think it will bring it to 15 players

Wr1tt3n by Skanderbeg, 25.07.2017 at 16:33

Unfortunately for muslims Saudi is American ally. They need to kill it to reclaim oil and Mecca. I don't think islamic(european, north african, central asian) income should be distributed equally across their regions, since half of their realm is desert and other half is ruins.

Yes it is, yet you have retards like zephyrusu insulting me and bitching and thinking he is smart, while arrogantly mocking "saudi with USA", what a fucking idiot hahah. Dumbass closet nazi (wannabe) kid, what can you expect. Anyone who even mistakenly saw the news in the past few years knows that they are cooperating closely, but apparently it didn't register to his peanut sized brain, he also has psychological issues where he starts to argue then acts like a wounded victim. Thank you allah for not putting me in the body of that depressed loser, I'm just happy i'm not him.

Remember guys, whenever you have a bad day, remember there are people like zephyrusu out there, that will make you feel on top
The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired

28.07.2017 - 14:04
Wr1tt3n by Unleashed, 28.07.2017 at 12:05

Interesting suggestions Andartes, but do you think it will start if it has that many players? Genuine question. I think it will bring it to 15 players

It can start, just it will take more time waiting. 'New World Empires at War', 'GoT political' and 'War to end all wars' are the top played maps currently, New world empires at war suck in majority of players, they start within 5 minutes. So it is not up to 'Death of White Race 2066', but about other maps slowing it down.

My suggestions would better fit new map, a copy of Death of White Race 2066, leave current one without Brazil, China, India, ROC, DPRK and Japan, There are no whites there, you were right.

In the future, you can create new map with these additions to expand DWOR, just like Pyrrhus created Endsieg, then made new map to expand it 'Neuordnung'.

Check this, Russia made deal with Syria to have bases there for 49 years. 2017+49=2066 as you predicted

If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
28.07.2017 - 16:11
Wr1tt3n by Unleashed, 28.07.2017 at 12:05


Your obsession with me is simply hilarious. I usually make a point of not paying attention to people with as low conversational capabilities as you, but for once I'll make an exception. So, without further ado:

You claim that I said USA and Saudis are not allies, and constantly base your entire arguments on that. But here's the plot twist! I never, repeating, NEVER, EVER, said that. What I did say, is that it makes absolutely no sense, in a map about the Islamic invasion of Europe, for the greatest perpertrator, Saudi Arabia, to be AGAINST IT, and be fighting ISIS, the same ISIS that they practically created. Being pro-Islam doesn't mean being anti-USA (atleast in global diplomacy, if you're talking about if it benefits the USA that's a long discussion that I won't be having here.) But do you want to learn something funny? Do you know who it was that thought Iran, arguably ISIS' greatest enemy aside from Syria and Iraq themselves (and maybe Russia), was actually on ISIS' side, and initially had them as part of it before another someone corrected them? I'll give you a minute to guess.

Moving on to the next point, about me being a "Nazi", apparently? What? How? Why? Ask Roai, my Jewish clanmate in my current clan, or Empirezz, a Russian Slav, if I've ever disrespected them. Ask Pyrrhus how many times I've tried to show radical Nazism's inconsistencies. Go ahead. I didn't really act as a wounded victim either, I acted like any sane person would, surprised by the fact that someone threw a tantrum because of a negative comment in a map. Do you know how many times I've commented negatively on a map? Any map by any mapmaker, really, including those that are my friends. I told White Army that his Mongol Invasion of Russia map sucked, because it did. Do you know how he reacted? He was cool with it, and asked me what I found wrong with it. From that point on anything that ensued was just you being a clown and me laughing my ass off because of it. I'd really, REALLY like to hear your excuse over the fact that you had me on ignore list, yet scolded me for not replying to you in game chat and pm.

It seems like you really need to feel on top after all, and would resort to illusions to achieve it. So go ahead, avoid my arguments, cling to your fantasies. Maybe one day, you might even convince yourself. Until that day, warmest of regards. For once, I am proud that my signature is more than a joke and actually legitimate.
Someone Better Than You
29.07.2017 - 11:05
Zephyrusu is a little much above your league.

29.07.2017 - 11:09
Wr1tt3n by Zephyrusu, 28.07.2017 at 16:11

Hey zeph what did you think about my Narnia map?

29.07.2017 - 11:28
Wr1tt3n by Rock Lee, 29.07.2017 at 11:09

Hey zeph what did you think about my Narnia map?

Never seen the finished version and I got errors when you showed me your half-made one... so I can't tell
Someone Better Than You
29.07.2017 - 11:37
Wr1tt3n by Zephyrusu, 29.07.2017 at 11:28

Never seen the finished version and I got errors when you showed me your half-made one... so I can't tell

I'm sure you would like it

02.08.2017 - 09:04
This map is really bad in both balance and realism and i would be embarassed to be seen playing it.
02.08.2017 - 09:21
Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 02.08.2017 at 09:04

This map is really bad in both balance and realism and i would be embarassed to be seen playing it.


Wr1tt3n by Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
02.08.2017 - 09:37
Wr1tt3n by Unleashed, 28.07.2017 at 12:05

Interesting suggestions Andartes, but do you think it will start if it has that many players? Genuine question. I think it will bring it to 15 players

Wr1tt3n by Skanderbeg, 25.07.2017 at 16:33

Unfortunately for muslims Saudi is American ally. They need to kill it to reclaim oil and Mecca. I don't think islamic(european, north african, central asian) income should be distributed equally across their regions, since half of their realm is desert and other half is ruins.

Yes it is, yet you have retards like zephyrusu insulting me and bitching and thinking he is smart, while arrogantly mocking "saudi with USA", what a fucking idiot hahah. Dumbass closet nazi (wannabe) kid, what can you expect. Anyone who even mistakenly saw the news in the past few years knows that they are cooperating closely, but apparently it didn't register to his peanut sized brain, he also has psychological issues where he starts to argue then acts like a wounded victim. Thank you allah for not putting me in the body of that depressed loser, I'm just happy i'm not him.

Remember guys, whenever you have a bad day, remember there are people like zephyrusu out there, that will make you feel on top

Fucking idiot, perhaps.
Better than you, definitely

Wr1tt3n by Permamuted, 02.08.2017 at 09:04

This map is really bad in both balance and realism and i would be embarassed to be seen playing it.

He admitted the balance issue himself

Wr1tt3n by Unleashed, 29.06.2017 at 18:29

Black is ISIS (funded by Israel, USA, Saudi and Qatar, is why it's so impossible to defeat - ISIS is black)

02.08.2017 - 16:32
ISIS is losing ground fast irl so maybe it should be removed and Syria added with russia or another player
02.08.2017 - 17:14
ignoring the rather outrageous oversimplifications this map implies, there are some inaccracies that bug me. let me start off with the uk: one of the least white nations in europe atm, and it doesnt seem to want to close its borders to immigrants. maybe to those from the EU, but not from the commonwealth, a third of which is muslim and almost all of which is not white.

secondly, how is america white? its at 56% currently, and even if trump closed the border finally, whites would be outbred in a couple generations.

third: minor inaccuracies in europe. austria is currently one of the most right leaning countries in europe (except slavs) and probably deserves to be put with the whites, as i predict its hostility towards muslims will keep it rather white. ireland will probably stay white, why exclude it from the scenario? france: now, this might sound strange, but in france, due to some tax policies, whites outbreed blacks/moors. i dont know if you'd want to implement this, but maybe they could have a civil war, or if you think they will go even further right wing with their politics, they might close their borders and stay white (currently 80%).
russia is 30% muslim, so you probably should cut it up into parts with and against the sunnis.
also, most rurual places in europe are extremely white and by demographics are predicted to stay that way. if a race war or religious war was to break out, those countries would go down in extreme civil wars instead of all rurual areas suddenly being removed.

>israel is white

02.08.2017 - 19:25
Wr1tt3n by Tirpitz406, 02.08.2017 at 17:14

ignoring the rather outrageous oversimplifications this map implies, there are some inaccracies that bug me. let me start off with the uk: one of the least white nations in europe atm, and it doesnt seem to want to close its borders to immigrants. maybe to those from the EU, but not from the commonwealth, a third of which is muslim and almost all of which is not white.

secondly, how is america white? its at 56% currently, and even if trump closed the border finally, whites would be outbred in a couple generations.

third: minor inaccuracies in europe. austria is currently one of the most right leaning countries in europe (except slavs) and probably deserves to be put with the whites, as i predict its hostility towards muslims will keep it rather white. ireland will probably stay white, why exclude it from the scenario? france: now, this might sound strange, but in france, due to some tax policies, whites outbreed blacks/moors. i dont know if you'd want to implement this, but maybe they could have a civil war, or if you think they will go even further right wing with their politics, they might close their borders and stay white (currently 80%).
russia is 30% muslim, so you probably should cut it up into parts with and against the sunnis.
also, most rurual places in europe are extremely white and by demographics are predicted to stay that way. if a race war or religious war was to break out, those countries would go down in extreme civil wars instead of all rurual areas suddenly being removed.

>israel is white

You missed the magnificent earlier version where Iran supported ISIS.
Someone Better Than You
14.08.2017 - 13:51
Wr1tt3n by ArminyMouse, 14.08.2017 at 13:45

I don't think anyone is obsessed with your ugly ass. this pic describes you and roaistyle perfectly

The irony is too much.
Wr1tt3n by ArminyMouse, 14.08.2017 at 13:44

3. Since Whites seemed to have the upper hand over both sides, I added Iran, as Shiite Muslim, on Islam side. If they were to choose between islam and whites, pretty sure they'd fight with islam, not necessarily for sunnis but to defeat Israel. They hate israel. This will add to the epicness of the middle east cluister fuck, where nearly everyone will be involved: ISIS, Sunni, Shiite, Israel, Russia, AND, to counter Iran, and not leave Israel and Saudi alone vs a huge clusterfuck, I also added the Gulf States separately, this should balance the area well

Iran has been Russia-aligned for a long time and at the Sunnis' throats. Considering you decided to make it three teams the logical conclusion is that Iran would be on the Russian side, fighting both the Salafists and the Israelis-Saudis (the Saudi thing is still idiotic but moving on...). Considering you had them as part of ISIS at first, it makes me wonder:

Do you know shit about Iran?

Actually, do you know shit about Middle East politics in general?
Someone Better Than You
14.08.2017 - 14:02
Wr1tt3n by ArminyMouse, 14.08.2017 at 14:00

poor kid has aspergers, he wants to be a neo Nazi but if his mommy finds out she'll ground him forever so better keep quiet irl, hahahah what a fag

...I am the Neo-Nazi when you are the one that claims Muslims will take over Europe? Ok...

Moving on I love how you've NEVER replied to my comments about Iran's place in your map. Your ignorance is blowing off.
Someone Better Than You
15.08.2017 - 08:57
Even doe there will more than likely be a war between whites and shitskins it most likely wont be fought like this.

East europe is mostly pure white (except russia and ukraine which have those tatar shits and what not) and would either fight for whites and watch the west burn in what it had created. And west would be a just a massive civil war fought street to street, village to village, just like bosnian war 20ish years ago.
16.08.2017 - 08:35
Wr1tt3n by ArminyMouse, 16.08.2017 at 07:59

once again you demonstrate your incompetency, ignorance, and stupidity, and the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about. You make a fool out of yourself everytime you try to say anything. Stop posting already, as everything you say is retarded, you embarassed yourself enough already. Fucking idiot.

They allied with Muslim forces temporarily at times due to their common enemies, but Nazi ideology dictated that Europe and the lands of the Aryans specifically must be defended from other ethnicites and considered them lesser. If you think Nazis would be happy over Muslims conquering Europe, you're the idiot.

Still waiting for you to justify putting Iran on the side of ISIS
Someone Better Than You
19.11.2019 - 14:20
Message deleted by Nero. Reason: Unleashed
12.12.2019 - 13:47
Message deleted by Sid. Reason: Unleashed
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