08.01.2018 - 14:10
Would it be hard to put played strategy next to a players name after game? Or at least that should be visible in clan wars if nothing.
08.01.2018 - 14:52
You can easily save minor data as boolean number or char. I would be more concerned about the aesthetics. player page graphics is very good looking and adding another text would be too much. maybe small picture of the strategy at the corner of the span can be right. but honestly that's low priority now.
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08.01.2018 - 15:42
Looking at how things work here thru the years, low priority means never gonna happen, but you might be right. I just think this could be of big help to solve the mystery called "does some people hack the shit out of this game".
08.01.2018 - 16:07
Commando said someone in the competitive community sent him hacks software and if we believe him software means hacking is not rare or uncommon but already traditional in the community. plus there are pictures of people with impossible rolls so even if i don't believe him i believe it's our there. Personally I think most of the times it's game fault. there was a night i reocrded a duel against Acquiece (the last person to use hacks) and for several minutes i was sure that he is a hacker due amount of times he got insane rolls in just several minutes. to be clear i have no doubt that he is an honest player and the last one to use hacks. The point is most of the times it's probably flawed game engine realiablity (computer works and zeros and ones and it's not enough to randomise number out of nowhere. there are many diffrent ways to work it out but it will take many examinations to make sure it's realiable and match it to the gameplay. and considering the fact they are using Javascript which does not focus on these subjects it's possible that it is unrealiable.) .Just leave it for mods to track hackers. they are all competitive so they have huge interest at it since their clans suffer from hacks just as well as us. You can also start recording CWs against people you suspect it will add to the effect as well.
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08.01.2018 - 16:13
And yes Steve i know i said 2 completley diffrent things I just tried to cover that whole subject
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08.01.2018 - 16:29
Also if clovis is already programming he can easily make a script to document suspected players exceptional rolls. if someone is hacking at the very least he will have to low the number of uses Also. i talked with you about what you care about now you need to talk with me about pokemon
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08.01.2018 - 16:45
Sure, if admins and clovis are wiling to do that, that could help.
10.01.2018 - 06:21
---- Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished. ![]()
11.01.2018 - 05:12
One issue (in normal games). What if i die and latejoin multiple times with DIFFERENT strategies?
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11.01.2018 - 05:37
4r3 y0u sur3?