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26.11.2010 - 09:18
If I want to go defensive and train all infantry or offensive and train all tanks. I find it tedious to click on every city and train 1 unit and, doing this for all cities. I would find it awesome if all of this could be done in menu. Streamlining this process would make turns faster and play more enjoyable and less tedious.

26.11.2010 - 09:20
 Ivan (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by Muncher, 26.11.2010 at 09:18

If I want to go defensive and train all infantry or offensive and train all tanks. I find it tedious to click on every city and train 1 unit and, doing this for all cities. I would find it awesome if all of this could be done in menu. Streamlining this process would make turns faster and play more enjoyable and less tedious.


Good idea, added to the to-do list!
26.11.2010 - 09:23
This will help with short turn games. I've noticed that when playing on the whole world with 3 minute turns, into turns into an RTS when empires collide. Whoever can get more clicks/minute wins.

Just yesterday I was playing a game where when I was fighting someone, I was winning the war mostly because I could get out more units and get them where they needed to be than he could within the 3 minutes each turn,
01.12.2010 - 08:12
Wr1tt3n by Blah64, 26.11.2010 at 09:23

This will help with short turn games. I've noticed that when playing on the whole world with 3 minute turns, into turns into an RTS when empires collide. Whoever can get more clicks/minute wins.

Just yesterday I was playing a game where when I was fighting someone, I was winning the war mostly because I could get out more units and get them where they needed to be than he could within the 3 minutes each turn,

Yes. To also reduce the click-fest, two more suggestions:

1. Player-level setting: do not gain auto-militia on captured city
2. Player-level setting: ignore militia when dragging a stack out of the city
01.12.2010 - 08:20
 Ivan (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by TP_MLD, 01.12.2010 at 08:12

2. Player-level setting: ignore militia when dragging a stack out of the city

We're already working on this.
01.12.2010 - 08:35
As a player-level setting, or a global one? Are you implementing player-level settings at all? (No value judgement, just curious).
01.12.2010 - 10:33
 Ivan (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by TP_MLD, 01.12.2010 at 08:35

As a player-level setting, or a global one? Are you implementing player-level settings at all? (No value judgement, just curious).

Global. I don't think people are moving Militia a whole lot anyway. I initially proposed making them totally stationary. As for my opinion on game settings, read my reply in the other thread
01.12.2010 - 14:14
Forcing us to have militia in a city would be mean... I purposefully leave certain cities empty as bait for the enemy.
01.12.2010 - 16:47
 Ivan (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by Blah64, 01.12.2010 at 14:14

Forcing us to have militia in a city would be mean... I purposefully leave certain cities empty as bait for the enemy.

But then again, a 'disband' option is coming soon.
01.12.2010 - 16:50
I think a global unit creater would be very handy, and that a disbanding option should have some sort of penalty. You shouldn't just be able to remove units without any 'cost'. Maybe a day advanced 'notice' would be suitable.
peveyom heekaht setuh ei iqeht eineta kelah gohk seluxah gohk
06.12.2010 - 09:22
Wr1tt3n by Ivan, 01.12.2010 at 08:20

Wr1tt3n by TP_MLD, 01.12.2010 at 08:12

2. Player-level setting: ignore militia when dragging a stack out of the city

We're already working on this.

And you've implemented this as well, now. Thanks!
14.12.2010 - 00:02
I response to the original post here, Ive been thinking about what exactly the best way to do automatic building of units...

When you click on a city menu, it would be great to have a box that you can tick to 'Auto-Build'. Basically, you tick the box, build your units from that city, and then exit the city menu. Thereafter, everytime there is available units in that city and you have the required funds, the city will auto-build the same stack of units you built when you ticked the box. This way, you can set where your units are being built, how many and what type. Of course would also be nice to have something in 'My Settings' where you can cancel all auto-builds and then, also, you can cancel just 1 city by unticking the box in that city's menu.
14.12.2010 - 02:25
 Ivan (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by Sificvoid, 14.12.2010 at 00:02

I response to the original post here, Ive been thinking about what exactly the best way to do automatic building of units...

When you click on a city menu, it would be great to have a box that you can tick to 'Auto-Build'. Basically, you tick the box, build your units from that city, and then exit the city menu. Thereafter, everytime there is available units in that city and you have the required funds, the city will auto-build the same stack of units you built when you ticked the box. This way, you can set where your units are being built, how many and what type. Of course would also be nice to have something in 'My Settings' where you can cancel all auto-builds and then, also, you can cancel just 1 city by unticking the box in that city's menu.

We actually had it exactly this way before, when reinforcements were every week. With reinforcements once a month, there was a bit of a problem, so we switched the system off. We're working on bringing it back now.
28.08.2013 - 02:03
 Ivan (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 27.08.2013 at 19:13

Wr1tt3n by Ivan, 01.12.2010 at 16:47

Wr1tt3n by Blah64, 01.12.2010 at 14:14

Forcing us to have militia in a city would be mean... I purposefully leave certain cities empty as bait for the enemy.

But then again, a 'disband' option is coming soon.


I think you have misused this word

And now you know why developers are usually very hesitant to disclose any future plans.

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