G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
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21.10.2018 - 14:38

*in game ss turn 3

*turn 16

Scenario made on the 1150 medieval map (the map borders are 1300 ad) , balanced the countries and lowered the city and economy count.
work in progress currently balancing units.

rules for RP:

1. Standard rp no war till t4

2. mongols dont follow any diplomacy untill t14 (after that mongols have a stable faction and economy)

3. castile is at peace with moors and arabs for 7 turns, realistic 7 year peace period. (it can ally after that too)

4. HRE South and HRE North must ally.

5. HRE's cant ally france or england

6. papal states cant ally orthodox and muslim factions

7. venice can choose to help byzantium early game against seljuk turks if bulgaria decides to attack byzantine (balanced 2v2 scenario)
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

21.10.2018 - 14:45
Noob map
21.10.2018 - 14:58
Wr1tt3n by 4nic, 21.10.2018 at 14:38

*in game ss turn 3

*turn 16

Scenario made on the 1150 medieval map (the map borders are 1300 ad) , balanced the countries and lowered the city and economy count.
work in progress currently balancing units.

rules for RP:

1. Standard rp no war till t4

2. mongols dont follow any diplomacy untill t14 (after that mongols have a stable faction and economy)

3. castile is at peace with moors and arabs for 7 turns, realistic 7 year peace period. (it can ally after that too)

4. HRE South and HRE North must ally.

5. HRE's cant ally france or england

6. papal states cant ally orthodox and muslim factions

7. venice can choose to help byzantium early game against seljuk turks if bulgaria decides to attack byzantine (balanced 2v2 scenario)

like the map but need to put rules in the ocean
23.10.2018 - 02:07
Looks good mate

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