27.10.2018 - 14:44
In the First Age the ancient continent, Eonar, was inhabited by its native races, the Niesh, a beastly and savage looking but rather civilzed beast-men. Their ancient empire was The Nieshi union, at one point in history it ruled over the entire continent except for the Galdrawds. The Galdrawds have a cruel history behind them, it is believed that they angered the gods in which the godly rebuttal was to curse them with huge size and stature, but taking away their common sense and wits. cursed to live in the mountains of the north. In the second half of the first age a new race arrived in Eonar, the elves from Marianaki island decided to spread their empire and colonise this largely considered to be inhospitable continent, they met heavy resistance from both the beast men and the Galrdrawian giants. Because of that they were only able to make colonies along the sea. A large colony named Rhun was considered to be the leader of all the other Marianaki colonies. The end of the first age marked a new pivot in the history of the island. A new race entered the island , the Niesh called these people, the Humans. Creatures with the wits of a dwarf, the agility of elves, and raw power of the beast-men. The name "humans" is believed to derive from the words huma and anar in nieshi, meaning people and sea. So its believed that the humans arrived with boats from a far away land, beyond Nizmora and beyond the land of the gods. At the begining its believed that the humans lived in harmony with the elven and beastly. Small raids and warbands would form but it never escalated to further conflicts, untill... somewhere in the middle of the second age a human warlord named Aenor would militarize the humans, in only a few years he managed to unite the human city states, and the first grand war against the beast-men occured. The humans were victorious in almost every major battle, driving the beast men in the northern mountains of Eonar. The war ended and 4 large human countries were formed. The human alliance led by Aenor himself. The Boetrisians located in the southern plateu of Eonar. The Ceadarians and the Panaegorians in the eastern part of the continent. Peace lasted for not too long as the galdrawd migration happened, they left their high mountain homelands and settled in the far northern lowlands, the Panaegorians were an immidiate danger to this, and so they launched a long bloody war against the galdrawian giants. A war that devestated the panaegorians and forced them to pay tribute to the giants every passing season. The panaegorians would never recover from this and were in constant raids from beast men and elves. The Boetrisians saw this as an oportunity to take over all of paenagoria but were never able to fully claim it, their biggest acomplishment was creating a protectorate state in the south, called Oenogoria. A city state called Sigmar decided to rebel against the boetrisians while allying some other rebbelious states, the war of the boetrisian plateau raged on for 100 years, neither side giving ground, Sigmar stood strong but their manpower and supplies were dwindling. In the next 5 years they made a peace treaty in which Sigmar formed a union with a few Boetrisian states, while Boetrisia will control the plateau in the south. Sigmar was in a weak state and decided to sell citizenship to every race on the continent, it marked its neutrality and decided to become a mercantile state promoting peace and trade over war. The elven colony of Rhun in the far east decided to rebbel from its marianaki overlords due to high taxes, The humans want another bloody war with the beast-men, boetrisians have new imperialistic rulers, the giants are ammasing their armies, who shall rule all of Eonar in the contemporary era? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
4r3 y0u sur3?