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P0st3d by Kame Sennin Taz, 17.02.2019 - 10:41
Hello everyone,

With the Supporters team, we will try to set up from this week and for all others,
throughout the year if it works and takes shape, a Challenge.

Let me explain :

The games would be played in team : Supporters V Community.
minimum of 3v3, maximum 5v5.
Of the "ProtoCoins" will be given to the players of the community.
It will be 50PC per player, if they win!
For us nothing at all ^^ we do it for fun.

After 2 defeats in the same week, we will stop proposing this type of game and the process will restart the following week and so on.

This is to avoid taking too much PC, for big parties events.

If we ever do this challenge, post here the 2 defeats of each week.
I would give them to Dave every Sunday so he can reward our opponents.

Week 1: 18/02 - 24/02
21.02.2019 - 08:02
 Lelouch. (M0d)
This really sucks cuz I wish I was a supporter just so I could play with Croat and Grom in a team.
21.02.2019 - 09:23
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Wr1tt3n by Lelouch., 21.02.2019 at 08:02

This really sucks cuz I wish I was a supporter just so I could play with Croat and Grom in a team.

If I was supporter I'd rather wish not to play with them in team
21.02.2019 - 11:22
Supporter team not enough good ez pc farm
But im banned fuck me im so retarded
21.02.2019 - 12:08
Wr1tt3n by Lelouch., 21.02.2019 at 08:02

This really sucks cuz I wish I was a supporter just so I could play with Croat and Grom in a team.

Submit a application :3
22.02.2019 - 11:34
 Lelouch. (M0d)
Wr1tt3n by Asylan, 21.02.2019 at 12:08

Wr1tt3n by Lelouch., 21.02.2019 at 08:02

This really sucks cuz I wish I was a supporter just so I could play with Croat and Grom in a team.

Submit a application :3

How? Send me a pm
22.02.2019 - 12:10
Wr1tt3n by Lelouch., 22.02.2019 at 11:34

Wr1tt3n by Asylan, 21.02.2019 at 12:08

Wr1tt3n by Lelouch., 21.02.2019 at 08:02

This really sucks cuz I wish I was a supporter just so I could play with Croat and Grom in a team.

Submit a application :3

How? Send me a pm

23.02.2019 - 03:38
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