G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 10   V1s1t3d by: 127 users
17.07.2019 - 14:08
Want to report two accounts in one game as one player. It's very obvious by the way both accounts are moving troops. One player is moving militia out of cities while the other moves right in, from turn one.

Please help. It's been a year since ive played this game.
17.07.2019 - 14:13
Anything that can prove that, something like a screenshot??
Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks.

Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople
27.07.2019 - 07:47
 brianwl (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by VetofCatan, 17.07.2019 at 14:08

Want to report two accounts in one game as one player. It's very obvious by the way both accounts are moving troops. One player is moving militia out of cities while the other moves right in, from turn one.

Please help. It's been a year since ive played this game.

If you suspect this and a mod is online, ask them if they can confirm multi-accounting. This is a serious rule breach, and can result in a ban if confirmed by a mod.

05.08.2019 - 22:31
Hola tengo una consulta, pueden traspasarce una pared de unidades hecha hace 10 turnos sin necesidad de romperla o es un hack???
05.08.2019 - 22:34
Me toco el jugador "FuckMyassDaddy", era un mapa del mundo en 10k, el estab en nigeria y sacaba como 50 unidades por turno, y parecia que podia sacar unidades sin perder dinero, ademas ignorba todas las paredes de unidades tomaba ciudades sin necesidad de destruirlas, pueden revisar este jugador ??
06.08.2019 - 00:53
 Dave (4dm1n)
Wr1tt3n by JuanchoSTbaw, 05.08.2019 at 22:34

Me toco el jugador "FuckMyassDaddy", era un mapa del mundo en 10k, el estab en nigeria y sacaba como 50 unidades por turno, y parecia que podia sacar unidades sin perder dinero, ademas ignorba todas las paredes de unidades tomaba ciudades sin necesidad de destruirlas, pueden revisar este jugador ??

(I'm using Google Translate to understand your message, hopefully I understand correctly)

We know about this player. Yes he is hacking and cheating the game. We are taking steps to ban all his accounts and IP addresses, and will continue banning him until he goes away.

Sorry for any inconvenience.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

09.08.2019 - 09:26
Wr1tt3n by BannedFor1Year, 09.08.2019 at 09:10


*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
21.04.2020 - 12:30
I hope this isn't necro(If it is I'll go start another thread)

Anyways, would it be allowed to use multiple accounts in a single game given you are the only one in it? Like, make a private game and do some strat testing with yourself? I understand that using multiple accounts in a match against others is pretty annoying and probably powerful, but I just want to check and see if it's fine to do it if you are alone.
Toast makes me very sad.
21.04.2020 - 13:46
Wr1tt3n by TriusMalarky, 21.04.2020 at 12:30

I hope this isn't necro(If it is I'll go start another thread)

Anyways, would it be allowed to use multiple accounts in a single game given you are the only one in it? Like, make a private game and do some strat testing with yourself? I understand that using multiple accounts in a match against others is pretty annoying and probably powerful, but I just want to check and see if it's fine to do it if you are alone.

If it's for testing then yes it's allowed, otherwise, it's against the rules.
21.04.2020 - 14:19
Cool, thanks! Just didn't want to have cheated on accident.
Toast makes me very sad.

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