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29.02.2020 - 17:43
If theres a option called "Disable all upgrades" why not "put all upgrades"? I notice im loosing too much on cw becose upgrades, for example I didnt knew that with imp I can get inf at 30 instead of 40. upvote if you think there should be this and comment if you think no. pls be consider that this options could be avaible for cws ONLY , since im on a big unvantage for cw.

29.02.2020 - 17:52
For duels and cws I agree, because how it's competitive when we don't have the same advantages, it should be fair.
Even if lowranks won't have the highranks skills and experience it makes the game a bit more fair.

But for other games nah only when you can win trophies/reward.
29.02.2020 - 22:40
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

29.02.2020 - 23:54
I support this idea, the amonut of upgrades and how expensive they are demands way too much time in the game, you can only get all upgrades by like rank 10 or something, most people don't make it to rank 10, that lowers the chance they actually get interested in competitive play and in the game in general, it's an unfair system
the moderate solution to me is that we at least make upgrades less expensive and more accessible
to clarify, it would be unreasonable to think that high ranks don't deserve a reward for putting so much effort and time in the game, but it needs to give them less of an unfair advantage
I am so much more than royal.
01.03.2020 - 19:12
Kinda on the fence about that since even at rank 7 you should have most of the important upgrades for competitive (if you had clan mates or read guides on which upgrades to get). Surprised no one told you about the cheaper inf upgrade too, I remember reading Desu's guide on 3v3s which had what upgrades you needed. https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=10024&topicsearch=&page=1

It would be nice to have for cws since there are much less clans/people participating so there's not really many low ranks to cw each other with but at the end of the day SP is pretty easy to get and, people should be encouraged to train more low ranks so you guys can cw each other anyways.
02.03.2020 - 01:04
You gain 2x SP to play clan wars. Eventually you will get to rank 10 with all ups like all of us did. Just play more it shouldnt take more than a couple months depending on how often you play.
02.03.2020 - 03:32
Wr1tt3n by PleaseMe, 02.03.2020 at 01:04

You gain 2x SP to play clan wars. Eventually you will get to rank 10 with all ups like all of us did. Just play more it shouldnt take more than a couple months depending on how often you play.

actually, this year im going to be very inactive compare to last.

02.03.2020 - 03:36
Wr1tt3n by PleaseMe, 02.03.2020 at 01:04

You gain 2x SP to play clan wars. Eventually you will get to rank 10 with all ups like all of us did. Just play more it shouldnt take more than a couple months depending on how often you play.

Bro to be rank 10 I played 12hours every day (or almost) and still needed 8 months, and to win cws u need all upgrades or it's harder
02.03.2020 - 03:38
Wr1tt3n by Stryko, 01.03.2020 at 19:12

Kinda on the fence about that since even at rank 7 you should have most of the important upgrades for competitive (if you had clan mates or read guides on which upgrades to get). Surprised no one told you about the cheaper inf upgrade too, I remember reading Desu's guide on 3v3s which had what upgrades you needed. https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=10024&topicsearch=&page=1

It would be nice to have for cws since there are much less clans/people participating so there's not really many low ranks to cw each other with but at the end of the day SP is pretty easy to get and, people should be encouraged to train more low ranks so you guys can cw each other anyways.

You don't have all important upgrades, you only got 2 of them, both inf upgrades.
02.03.2020 - 17:21
Wr1tt3n by Froyer, 02.03.2020 at 03:38

Wr1tt3n by Stryko, 01.03.2020 at 19:12

Kinda on the fence about that since even at rank 7 you should have most of the important upgrades for competitive (if you had clan mates or read guides on which upgrades to get). Surprised no one told you about the cheaper inf upgrade too, I remember reading Desu's guide on 3v3s which had what upgrades you needed. https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=10024&topicsearch=&page=1

It would be nice to have for cws since there are much less clans/people participating so there's not really many low ranks to cw each other with but at the end of the day SP is pretty easy to get and, people should be encouraged to train more low ranks so you guys can cw each other anyways.

You don't have all important upgrades, you only got 2 of them, both inf upgrades.

I said most of them and from the thread I linked you should definitely have the important inf upgrades (like you mentioned) and the AT upgrades. You probably could get some of the gen upgrades too and I'm talking about rank 7, at rank 8 you should have all the important upgrades if you didn't go ahead and buy Hybrid Warfare like sultan xaxa
12.03.2020 - 01:52
Strong support for cws and duels. There is no sensible reason why higher ranks should in addition to their higher experience have the additional advantage of upgrades over lower ranks.
Actually this is one of the top four most important ideas for competitive gameplay, among rank limit on duels (should only be able to duel starting at rank 7), separating standard (EU+ 10k) from mixed ratings (all maps), and implementing rated team games.

Edit: Maybe make rated duels premium only, and this way Dave can make sure to get his monies. Also this is an additional incentive to buy premium so you can compete, and then you also have all upgrades.

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