G3t Pr3m1um t0 h1d3 4ll 4ds
P0sts: 3   V1s1t3d by: 62 users
13.05.2020 - 23:21
How good it would be that in a time of pandemic atwar released maps to those who were not in premium to play and incidentally attract new players because it becomes boring SO FEW MAPS
14.05.2020 - 05:57
How else will the game make money and exist if the maps are totally free to play, this being the key reason many purchase premium.
14.05.2020 - 14:37
Wr1tt3n by box2222, 13.05.2020 at 23:21

How good it would be that in a time of pandemic atwar released maps to those who were not in premium to play and incidentally attract new players because it becomes boring SO FEW MAPS

There are many maps that are promoted currently and more to come on the future. I think EJR literally made a thread asking for peoples opinions on what maps he should promote. Heck it's pretty cheap to promote maps so I think if you wanted one it'd be easy too as well.
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