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20.06.2020 - 17:08
The player base is limited. Instead of letting people create as many scenarios at once, new ones should be limited to 2. When one of those 2 begin, another one can be started. That way the scenarios actually fill instead of splitting up the few players we have,
20.06.2020 - 22:30
The scenario function should be removed from atwar
Happiness = reality - expectations
22.06.2020 - 05:06
Wr1tt3n by McHammers1, 20.06.2020 at 17:08

The player base is limited. Instead of letting people create as many scenarios at once, new ones should be limited to 2. When one of those 2 begin, another one can be started. That way the scenarios actually fill instead of splitting up the few players we have,

People could use this to troll. Just have 2 people host 2 games so noone else can host
22.06.2020 - 10:17
I can understand where this suggestion is coming from, but I see no end of implementation difficulties

1. Two scenarios can be open - the natural question now is, which two scenarios?

Maybe you mean two WWIs or similar popular scenarios. This brings me to my second point

2. Which types of scenarios count to this cap?

I frequently play king of the hill, which is a scenario map.

If this does count towards the cap, I'm sorry to say you'll only have 1 slot for your scenarios.

3. Who hosts the scenarios?

What happens if the host goes afk?

22.06.2020 - 10:56
I can see the purpose behind this however, it's far too flawed.
1. What if the host goes afk while hosting one
2. What if someone deliberately wants to troll by hosting games to block particular maps they specifically don't like by hosting a game with no intention of letting the game start? (Like for example, let's say for some reason I hated my own map and I didn't want anyone to host it so I made two of those games and just let it fill but sat in the lobby pretending to be afk.)

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