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08.09.2020 - 04:43
Dear community,

After several days of close investigations and monitoring, the moderation team has identified that the player "Ichihoshi" is indeed the hacker known as "xBugs".
You can track his profile in the thread below:


There is additional information about him in this thread as well (the ss of how we identified this is in fact "xBugs" won't be discussed here because it would only help him bypass it the next time).


He was initially banned by myself due to high suspicions of him not actually being who he claimed to be. It was then decided to let him use that account so we could find more proof and to give this potential player the benefit of the doubt.

He is now permanently banned. His recent duels are also going to be removed, so it might create an eloshift.

Furthermore, this is the second time that a coalition related to another player, Crow, has been identified as assisting a permanently banned player. This was done by assuring us he's a legit player and by putting pressure on the mod team -


The first time Crow deliberately lied to us - he said that "Tophats2" (who was in fact xBugs), was one of his actual, "real" friends. He was given the benefit of the doubt. It then of course became obvious that "Tophats2" was in fact xBugs, and Crow couldn't ignore it.

At this time his credibility turned to 0.

The question of permanently banning him was discussed and again it was decided to give him a chance. He was only banned for 2 months.

Since then he's been nothing but trouble, making personal attacks, using racist language, spamming false promotion in global in order to increase the activity of his discord server etc. etc.

You can see this in the links below:




And now, once again, he's guilty of assisting a permanently banned player, and let him play coalition wars.

Crow is going to get banned for at least a year. However, "excelcis" clan war won't be removed, since it's early season.

It's been decided to make this public because many of you have assumed that ichihoshi was indeed xBugs, and blamed the mod team for not doing anything (or blaming me for banning ichihoshi cause "I lost a cw to him") or whatever.

08.09.2020 - 05:01
Good job Mr Kaska. Thanks for your precious time and work on this issue.

08.09.2020 - 05:10
I knew it those alts are worrying and a headache to all of us. Also a public announcement about a r6 in Sun Tzu clan being DexDNA would be nice for people who don't know it. Good job on it also those shitheads who I won't name but we all know who they are that claimed he was legit can suck someone's testicles.
08.09.2020 - 05:26
Wr1tt3n by JUGERS2, 08.09.2020 at 05:10

I knew it those alts are worrying and a headache to all of us. Also a public announcement about a r6 in Sun Tzu clan being DexDNA would be nice for people who don't know it. Good job on it also those shitheads who I won't name but we all know who they are that claimed he was legit can suck someone's testicles.

That's very rude and disgusting

08.09.2020 - 05:46
Wr1tt3n by JUGERS2, 08.09.2020 at 05:10

I knew it those alts are worrying and a headache to all of us. Also a public announcement about a r6 in Sun Tzu clan being DexDNA would be nice for people who don't know it. Good job on it also those shitheads who I won't name but we all know who they are that claimed he was legit can suck someone's testicles.

sun isnt dexdna noob, but they both play on alt, bugs told me that shit when he checked their ip, rushbeti is sun and douchbeti is dex if I remember.
08.09.2020 - 05:49
Wr1tt3n by Froyer, 08.09.2020 at 05:46

Wr1tt3n by JUGERS2, 08.09.2020 at 05:10

about a r6 in Sun Tzu clan being DexDNA

sun isnt dexdna noob, but they both play on alt, bugs told me that shit when he checked their ip, rushbeti is sun and douchbeti is dex if I remember.

He didn't even say that Sun Tzu is DexDNA, but how some rank 6 in Sun Tzu's clan is being DexDNA

08.09.2020 - 06:01
Wr1tt3n by Croat, 08.09.2020 at 05:49

Wr1tt3n by Froyer, 08.09.2020 at 05:46

Wr1tt3n by JUGERS2, 08.09.2020 at 05:10

about a r6 in Sun Tzu clan being DexDNA

sun isnt dexdna noob, but they both play on alt, bugs told me that shit when he checked their ip, rushbeti is sun and douchbeti is dex if I remember.

He didn't even say that Sun Tzu is DexDNA, but how some rank 6 in Sun Tzu's clan is being DexDNA

oops my bad
08.09.2020 - 06:04
Wr1tt3n by Froyer, 08.09.2020 at 05:46

Wr1tt3n by JUGERS2, 08.09.2020 at 05:10

I knew it those alts are worrying and a headache to all of us. Also a public announcement about a r6 in Sun Tzu clan being DexDNA would be nice for people who don't know it. Good job on it also those shitheads who I won't name but we all know who they are that claimed he was legit can suck someone's testicles.

sun isnt dexdna noob, but they both play on alt, bugs told me that shit when he checked their ip, rushbeti is sun and douchbeti is dex if I remember.

Someone exposed hisself.... Learn to read. Also I wouldn't be surprised if you knew this all long or why the hell would xbugs care to check sun tzu ips and alts. I am actually pretty sure you knew because you run to protect this guy and was the most active defender of all even more than crow. Now as I said in other posts stop posting lies everywhere you can, you have turned your word to have no value.
08.09.2020 - 07:11
Wr1tt3n by Kaska, 08.09.2020 at 04:43

Good job Kaska,
How did you noticed it?

08.09.2020 - 07:23
Wr1tt3n by PaIm, 08.09.2020 at 07:11

Wr1tt3n by Kaska, 08.09.2020 at 04:43

I repeat it cause you're not the only one asking me this : i personaly didn't find anything, Dave did, and sharing the screenshot of how we related ichihoshi to xbugs will give informations on how the tracking system works. That's why we don't provide it. There is absolutely no doubt that ichihoshi was related to xbugs.
08.09.2020 - 07:30
Wr1tt3n by JUGERS2, 08.09.2020 at 05:10

I knew it those alts are worrying and a headache to all of us. Also a public announcement about a r6 in Sun Tzu clan being DexDNA would be nice for people who don't know it. Good job on it also those shitheads who I won't name but we all know who they are that claimed he was legit can suck someone's testicles.

I have not spoken to XBugs, apart from in the ichoshi account, therefore wouldn't be able to identify him from his mannerisms/playstyle or conclude any form of comparison. Although I suspected and challenged Ichi that he was an alt he claimed he had he reset his account by creating a new one, which accounted for the higher skill level. May I point out that in engaging low ranks into competitive play, it is inevitable that such situations would occur.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
08.09.2020 - 07:38
Wr1tt3n by Kaska, 08.09.2020 at 07:23

Wr1tt3n by PaIm, 08.09.2020 at 07:11

Wr1tt3n by Kaska, 08.09.2020 at 04:43

I repeat it cause you're not the only one asking me this : i personaly didn't find anything, Dave did, and sharing the screenshot of how we related ichihoshi to xbugs will give informations on how the tracking system works. That's why we don't provide it. There is absolutely no doubt that ichihoshi was related to xbugs.

mmmm ok I guess.

08.09.2020 - 08:15
Further.. I would also like to apologise to kaska as I advocated for giving ichi the benefit of the doubt not realising who he was, therefore leading to kaska incorrectly unbanning ichi. It is reassuring however, that the matter is now concluded.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
08.09.2020 - 09:36
Wr1tt3n by Kaska, 08.09.2020 at 04:43

When Xbugs turned into a hacker? He was an actual player in 2018 i played with him
Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est
Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
08.09.2020 - 15:46

Also, I am almost 100% positive that there are more bug users and people who exploit games in the world than just xbugs. People do it all the time in every game. So I doubt it's him.

You don't need to make things personal just ban the fucker who's exploiting and harassing and get on with it no need to make a thread about it. If whomever gets banned knows it was a mistake I am sure they will come out with their own excuse as to why it was a mistake. But harassment, racism, and verbal abuse is reason enough for someone to be banned.
08.09.2020 - 17:37
Wr1tt3n by PleaseMe, 08.09.2020 at 15:46


Also, I am almost 100% positive that there are more bug users and people who exploit games in the world than just xbugs. People do it all the time in every game. So I doubt it's him.

You don't need to make things personal just ban the fucker who's exploiting and harassing and get on with it no need to make a thread about it. If whomever gets banned knows it was a mistake I am sure they will come out with their own excuse as to why it was a mistake. But harassment, racism, and verbal abuse is reason enough for someone to be banned.

As I said, it's been decided to make things public cause of the elo shift it was going to create, and remind everyone that assisting a banned player has consequences. We don't make public thread each time as you probably noticed, but that time was for sure a good occasion to do it.

Beside thzt we had many reports on ichihoshi, and thanks to this thread we don't have to answer everyone.

As I've stated many times I have no personal grudge with crow or anyone else, and any other mod could have post it.

This purpose has been served, so I'll lock this thread.


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