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15.12.2012 - 21:39
How do I pay for subscriptions on my phone? On the ZayPay payalogue page, it says $2.90.

Does this amount deduct from my current minutes on my phone, or what (what does the $2.90 deduct from?)
Also, if I do decide to be premium, how do I cancel my subscription if I no longer want it?

There was also a recent post similar to this one, but different, as it relates to the instructions. As I have browsed it, IT MENTIONED SOMETHING ABOUT TALKING TO AN ADMIN. What does that mean (Don't I just pay for it using SMS and then just be premium?)

16.12.2012 - 16:17
All of this will change soon when AW implements a new payment system. If you can't wait, here is some info:

You can buy subscriptions with sms. That unlocks all of the packages, but for a set time (i.e. a week, month--whatever you pay for). Once the time runs out you have to renew the subscription or the packages are gone. That process is automatic-you just pay and then be premium.

The threads you saw about speaking with admins only applies to buying packages permanently. It is more expensive, but you get to keep it forever. Buying packages via SMS is not automatic. To do that via SMS you have to pay the correct amount and then manually contact an admin.

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