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03.04.2013 - 10:43
What are the best strategise (long term) to play the game?

I used the following (in chronogical order since I started the game)

1. Just pure expansion

2. Just getting all the capitals, but I saw that it is extremely uneffective as u dont get all the money from the country.

3. Form diffrent parts of the army, one for getting the capitals and the others cleaning up all the other cities after
them). However, I found that it really hampers ur expansoin if u dont devote ur forces on expansion

4. (I used india) devote all ur money and forces to conqor the "productive" reigions of the world and target getting all the money from the region (getting all the cities of the region)

Here are some of the problems I faced

1. All my useful units died and all I have left is the crappy militia

2. Run out of money whiles using all the prodution quota inside of a city (if i have the ability to produce 8 units, I produced all 8 units) and u dont get a surplus but a deficit every turn

3. The transport planes are too expancive both to maintain or to buy

4. (Main issue at hand) overexpansion, all u get after overexpansion is those crappy militia and I still have a economy to build as I have a deficit problem at hand (a ton of unit = a ton of maintanence cost >income = deficit) and almost lost th ability fo fend off anyone with something stronger than a huge group of militia

04.04.2013 - 02:18
Also my suggestion to help your economy is just becuase you CAN produce 8 tanks (or what ever you are useing for attacking) Doesn't mean you SHOULD! Always try to stay out of the red and if you are in the red DON'T keep makeing units you can't afford. I would also suggest to save some reinforments, if you use all of them in turn 1 and are fighting hard by turn 3 you may be completely out and be helpless if someone who has saved all theirs attacks. Always keep (a walled) city with some reinforments still in it just incase.
I hate to advocate drugs alcohol and violence to the kids, but it's always worked for me.
04.04.2013 - 09:33
You were specific and then not specific. You didn't really give us a look into your expansion or even where you started at.

My recommendation to some of your problems:

- Over expansion; Instead of trying to go everywhere in one instance- go where is needed. Suppose your enemy is Turkey and you are Germany. Germany is naturally easiest to attack from the North, so try to make some effort to watch it. Germany expands easiest to Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, and the Czech Republic. Try not to expand beyond those countries in the first turn.

- Finances; Manage your wallet well. In the game you don't need to use all of the units. I recommend you pick strategies like Perfect Defense if you want to have cheaper infantry- in this strategy Infantry are practically the only unit besides some bombers and some air transports. I also advise Guerrilla Warfare- Guerrilla Warfare makes use of all of your leftover units- like militia. Militia do impact your economy negatively and provide a problem if you don't have any cost deducting upgrades. This makes GW a perfect solution.

- Transport Planes; don't use transport planes.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
13.04.2013 - 17:33
Have at least one main stack for every area...yea
Have at least one backup stack for every area...sure

But in the beginning of every game, KNOW how many units you need EXACTLY to take over each area that you're sending your troops to, and never go for excess. You said you chose India? If you start off with India, you start off with a lot of useless infantry sitting around, next to no other country. Send excess to fight, and some to the cap.

Like Vendetta has said: don't use bloody transport planes, unless you're using SM. Transports (naval) are far better; They're cheaper, and carry more, and have almost the same range as transport planes.

And yes, target cash cities, then cash cities with high reinforcements, then high reinforcement cities (recruiter cities) later on.
Try to use militia when you can. With whichever strat I choose (either GW or SM), I always use militia in the first two to three turns to take over half the cities that I do take during those turns.

Oh, and make sure you know what to use for what. I mean, build inf for attacking, and don't build Stealth Bombers unless you have too. Know what each unit is best for.

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