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13.12.2010 - 12:57
So it is my belief that unit production is currently flawed. This is because during the course of a game, on a large map, certain areas become ineffective to produce in. An example of this occurs If I own Europe, Africa and, Middle East when pushing Asia. It is inefficient for me to produce in Africa and Europe because of the travel distances. This creates either logistic difficulties in moving units from these areas to Asia every turn or I simple do not produce and they remain ineffective. One choice leaves me performing a tedious task and the other leaves me weak to Asia. This fact removes strategy from the game and matches can simply become who can produce the most units within the turn time frame.

I propose a solution to this being is do not limit where I choose to produce the units. If I have 70 countries allow me to produce all or at least some of my troops in a single city. This eliminates many tedious aspects of the game.

Now proponents who believe this is a bad idea, I have a possible compromise. The more units you produce in a single city the progressively more expensive each unit gets. So those who enjoy micro still get a benefit from doing it ;however, I am not forced to do it. Going back to the example. By having units get progressively more expensive Europe or Africa are still beneficial to me because I can produce their units in the middle east but I can only produce so many until it becomes too expensive.

Let me know what you guys think/any other possible solutions.
13.12.2010 - 16:43
 Ivan (4dm1n)
This might lead to a huge imbalance in the game. Basically, everything will be concentrated in one huge stack of units. I see the benefits of your proposal, but I don't think it would improve the gameplay. Being able to built a huge army somewhere in Lapland just doesn't seem right.
13.12.2010 - 17:13
Also u have to consider that moving units around is the point of certain upgrades and transports. if we did it your way america could take over 1 city and europe and in the next turn have armies of 100s spawned in europe with out taking the time to cross the alantic
13.12.2010 - 17:20
I have no issues taking europe as asia, and when I'm europe, a 200+ air transport tank stack takes asian capitals nicely.
13.12.2010 - 17:31
Wr1tt3n by specter, 13.12.2010 at 17:13

Also u have to consider that moving units around is the point of certain upgrades and transports. if we did it your way america could take over 1 city and europe and in the next turn have armies of 100s spawned in europe with out taking the time to cross the alantic

This would only work if you had a large sum of money. It could also be capped at 10 units per city. As it stands now when I have many countries to produce from the ones away from where I am fighting get neglected. These countries do not produce anything because of the long distances and time required to click each city.
13.12.2010 - 17:39
Oh did forget to mention airtransports? they help alot fyi iknow this from experiance bc i regularly beat india and china from just europe. my sudgestion is your wasting time in africa

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