‹‹ B4ck t0 Bugs
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P0sts: 3   V1s1t3d by: 87 users
26.06.2013 - 11:12
There are two bugs I found last night, they might have already been mentioned, but here they are:
-The game crashes for Mac users if they click the gearbox icon in the chat box, and will keep crashing while it's on that mode (which clicking that gearbox will make the chat box go blank and then crash the game)
-I'm using a third-party mouse, a mouse that I use for my Toshiba laptop. I can't scroll in using the mouse wheel, and zooming has become a pain.

Another note:
-AtWar lags as much as it did on my slow laptop, and this Mac was I think $3,000 and is very fast. Maybe it has to do with the browser.

Side note:
-Please add the AtWar game client to Mac so that I don't have to use third-party software to get the client to work.
26.06.2013 - 16:02
 Amok (4dm1n)
Make sure you use Safari on a Mac, as it's the only browser that runs Silverlight properly. If you want to eliminate browser dependency, you could install the game via right-click install menu.
26.06.2013 - 18:47
I'm using Safari.

Also, isn't the download only for Windows? When I hover my cursor over "Download", it says "Install and play (Windows)". When I right-click, it has the usual "Back, reload page, open in dashboard, Save Page As, Print Page".

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