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P0st3d by taichi22, 13.08.2013 - 11:42
Now, I'm a new player, and I've haven't been playing for even a month yet, but it seems that I've arrived in a middle of a huge crisis... there is no fresh blood within the game to challenge the established players, and most people are leaving as a result. I'm one of the lucky ones, who has managed to learn fast enough to become frustrated and leave, and begin to meet people within the community. I've been thinking, and one of the main reasons I've been able to keep up with the learning curve is because of Makarov (Thank you), who has been teaching me to help me learn and become part of the larger community.
So why not apply this to all new players? Give them a system to reach out to?
A mentor system which people can apply to would ensure a stream of fresh players who have skill, consistently, while the strategies are being updated to ensure competitiveness. This worked in Showdown (online competitive battle pokemon, yes pokemon, don't underestimate it), allowing new players to get mentors to teach them one-on-one and be initiated into the larger world.
So... throwing it out there as an idea for you advanced players and mods.
Hopefully I'll get some support and this can become a "thing" by which fresh blood can be added to the game.

Also, we should make the forum more accessible, I had serious problems finding it and the strategies on it originally. (It was only through the MoS guide by learster that I found it.)
15.08.2013 - 18:40
Wr1tt3n by Khal.eesi, 14.08.2013 at 03:00

i never had anyone teach me anything when i was there and some of these guys you throw them at their feet and they are just bored to put in the effort.

Some people are patient/smart enough to learn things on their own. Others might need some help (or lots!). There's certainly not only one way to become a good player, although it definitely seems to take "effort".

I think playing against high ranks is the best way to learn. Especially if you can chat with them a bit during or after the game. Trouble is, I've run into more than a few new players that get frustrated because they think higher ranks have unfair advantages (which they do BTW, unless you disable upgrades & strategies). Some even said that they will stop playing because of that. If you have to play game after game against more experienced players AND with the odds against you, I can see why not all players would want to do this...

Anyway, so yeah, I would support this. I also think low ranks should play more with "upgrades disabled" to learn the game.
16.08.2013 - 23:02
The general opinion seems like most people think it'd be useless, with a few people willing to help out and teach... I'm surprised this has even generated any talk at all, really. I'm just curious, though, who'd actually be willing to teach if this became a "thing"?
17.08.2013 - 07:53
I support this specifically Tesla's idea but I also agree with Unleashed. I love teaching fresh blood and I would be willing to teach but teaching random new players who are unwilling to learn anyway? No Thanks.
17.08.2013 - 10:00
As I said players who are WILLING TO LEARN will ask Masterteam members to train theirselves.

atWar Radio<3

play for fun, just for fun.
17.08.2013 - 12:05
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Someone badly whants to be in a "Masterteam". Hm maybe a trophy to go with that aswell ...yes definetly a trophy.
17.08.2013 - 14:05
Wr1tt3n by Guest, 17.08.2013 at 12:05

Someone badly whants to be in a "Masterteam". Hm maybe a trophy to go with that aswell ...yes definetly a trophy.

Right. This is all about the title & trophy and not for the better of atWar. I see your point.
Moving on does anyone have anything to add or an opinion to voice?
31.08.2013 - 04:32
This would be very usefull, someone playing the same map and pointing out my mistakes especially so.
03.09.2013 - 10:09
Personally I find the idea retarded, you are meant to learn by yourself, not just memorise things told to you by someone else, and develop your own style. Tutorial guides are the way forward.
03.09.2013 - 10:54
4cc0unt d3l3t3d
Wr1tt3n by Xenosapien, 03.09.2013 at 10:09

Personally I find the idea retarded, you are meant to learn by yourself, not just memorise things told to you by someone else, and develop your own style. Tutorial guides are the way forward.

Meant to learn by yourself ...but tutorial guides are the way to go? Tutorial guides are made by someone else and you copy their moves.

Anyway people can only copy expansions, rest depends on their inteligence.
03.09.2013 - 11:55
No support.
Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.
03.09.2013 - 12:29
In a way, we already have this. Clans are like a mentor system. They challange you, they tell you what you did wrong and they help you learn so you'll be able to do well in a cw.
04.09.2013 - 20:01
Wr1tt3n by Xenosapien, 03.09.2013 at 10:09

Personally I find the idea retarded, you are meant to learn by yourself, not just memorise things told to you by someone else, and develop your own style. Tutorial guides are the way forward.

What's what we meant.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
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