R34d m0r3 ››
Update: Peace On First Turn, Country Selection, Interface.
Good new everybody! We have a new update for you, which implements some of the much-requested features. Here's the full list:
Peace on turn 1. All players now start in peace and automatically change to war on the next turn (unless new arrangements are made by the players). This also includes late-joiners, which can't attack and cannot be attacked on their first turn. This should prevent a lot of grief that comes from being instantly eliminated on turn 1 or being hit by a sneaky late-joiner. Of course, neutrals can still be attacked, so you can expand in other ways.
Skipping your turn in the country selection phase will now have consequences. Starting from the second timeout you will be losing 10% of the starting cash (each timeout). On the 5th timeout you're automatically kicked out. This should make starting games faster and prevent a situation where someone just sits there without selecting a country.
R34d m0r3 ››
R34d m0r3 ››
Ivan | | C0mm3nts (56)