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Fight of the Century: Whose side are you with?

Manny Pacquiao
Floyd Mayweather Jr.

T0t4l v0t3s: 13
22.04.2015 - 03:25
Boxing Athletes correlating Atwar Strategies.

Feel free to open discussions concerning of their prowess and weaknesses or name an athlete of your choosing that corresponds with the game's Strategies. And it is said to be the fight of the Century: whom amongst the contenders shall carve their name across history as boxing's prized athlete? And no, zizou is not the answer.
1. Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Iron Fist (HP); Perfect Defence (Tight Defense/Walls)
Country: U.S./ Record: 47-0-0 (26 KOs)/ Pound-for-Pound Ranking: 1st
2. Manny Pacquiao
Blitzkrieg (Movement, -Defence); Guerrilla Warfare (Breaks Walls/Defence)
Country: Philippines/ Record: 57-5-2 (38 KOs)/ Pound-for-Pound Ranking: 3rd
3. Wldadimir Klitschko
Relentless Attack (Relies on Offense, no need for Defence)
Country: Ukraine/ Record: 63-3-0 (53 KOs)/ Pound-for-Pound Ranking: 2nd
4. Juan Manuel Marquez
Guerrilla Warfare (Surprise Openings)
Country: Mexico/ Record: 56-7-1 (40 KOs)/ Pound-for-Pound Ranking: 10th
26.04.2015 - 03:35
This thread is not loved. 6:4 tho

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